The first impressions in workshops count!

At iLula, we understand the importance of the first impression when it comes to facilitating a workshop or meeting. It sets the tone for the entire session and can greatly influence the participants' engagement and the atmosphere. That's why we've compiled some quick tips to help you make a memorable and positive first impression:

Finalize Preparations Early: Before the workshop or meeting begins, ensure that all necessary arrangements and materials are in place. By finalizing everything ahead of time you can give yourself 20 - 30 minutes to calm yourself, get present and mentally prepare for the session and your participants.

Be Present and Welcoming: As participants arrive, greet each one warmly and make them feel welcomed. Decorate the room with a big welcome sign, provide name tags, guide them to their seats, and let them know where they can find amenities like coffee or the restroom. Taking these small steps helps create a friendly and inclusive atmosphere from the start.

Engage in Small Talk: A bit of small talk can go a long way in breaking the ice and making participants feel comfortable. Be prepared to hold brief conversations with individuals as they arrive, showing genuine interest in their well-being and easing any initial tension.

Designate a Welcoming Host: If you're co-facilitating the session, consider appointing one person to take charge of the welcoming process. This allows for a smoother flow of activities and ensures that every participant receives personalized attention upon arrival.

Accommodate Early Arrivals: Some participants may arrive early, eager to get started. Embrace this enthusiasm by opening the doors ahead of time and welcoming early birds. If you prefer to start on time, politely inform them that the session will begin shortly and encourage them to relax or grab a refreshment in the meantime.

Utilize Background Music: In the moments before the workshop officially begins, consider playing some light background music to fill any awkward silences. This can help create a relaxed ambiance and ease participants into the session, especially if they are unfamiliar with one another.

Remember, the first impression sets the stage for the entire workshop or meeting. By paying attention to details like preparation, welcoming gestures, and creating a comfortable atmosphere, you can ensure that participants feel valued and engaged right from the start. 

How do you set the tone for your sessions? 

 #FacilitationQuickTips #FirstImpression #WorkshopSuccess


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